Summary: | 弗洛伊德根据古希腊罗马神话伊底帕斯王子杀父娶母的情节提出“恋母情结”的概念。“恋母情结”又称“伊底帕斯情结”,是恋子情结溺养出的扭曲情感。在文学写作中,它除了是个敏感的素材外,更是作家的创作来源。作家得以将性心理发展过程中被压抑或无法满足的欲望,藉着艺术创作而得到纾解。创作,就这样成了作家继童年以后一次玩耍的继续与代替。正因为如此,弗洛伊德认为作者与作品的关系是息息相关的。在探讨作者与作品的课题上,本文以马华作家黎紫书的小说为研究对象,并以其短篇小说<天国之门>、<裸跑男人>及<我们一起看饭岛爱>为主。这三篇小说除了同时出现“恋母”与“弑父”两大攸关“恋母情结”的主要元素外,也透漏着作者在文字中暗藏的写作动机:寻获不可得的替代性满足。 Sigmund Freud coined the term Oedipus complex from the myth of Oedipus. According to the myth, Oedipus had killed his father and married his own mother. Oedipus complex is a sensitive topic in literary writing and also the creative source of a author. Through writing, author expresses his desires. Freud considered a piece of creative writing as a continuation or substitute for the play of childhood. Because of this, he believed that the relationship between the author and his work was closely related. This thesis analyses three short stories about Oedipus and Jocasta complex of a Malaysian Chinese writer, Li Zishu, which is “Heaven’s Gate”, “The Streaker” and “We watched Lijima-Ai together ”. Lastly, this thesis discovered the writing motivation of author: in search of alternative gratification.