Summary: | This client report is prepared for the Nanyang Technopreneurship Center (NTC) to assess the alumni feedback on the effectiveness of its programmes, investigate their current career status and behaviours, future career aspiration and entrepreneurial activities.
The rationale of the study will first be presented, followed by the research objectives and delimitation. Literature review is conducted to justify the research framework and construct. Research methodology and research design are shown along with the data collection method.
Key findings are discussed in detail to answer the research questions with descriptive data on the NTC programmes’ effectiveness and entrepreneurial activities. Inferential statistic and correlation are highlighted to gain more insights into NTC alumni career aspiration and behaviours. Some limitations of the study are presented and suggestions for future studies are made.
Finally, several recommendations are made from the key findings and insights. They are presented to NTC for future improvement of its current academic programmes and alumni engagement activities.