Summary: | The e-business industry in Singapore is a competitive one. Many e-businesses have innovative concepts but fail to compete with larger e-business overseas. It is therefore important that e-businesses design feasible business strategies to achieve sustainability.
This case-study investigates the current situation of Chope!, an online restaurant reservation service, and the relationship between their clients (restaurants) and users (diners) through a 2-prong approach of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Interviews were conducted with Chope! to understand their current business processes and strategic goals. 17-question and 8- question long questionnaires were also administered to Chope!’s clients and users respectively and a detailed study of Chope!’s competition was performed. As this is a case-study on a relatively new online reservation industry in Singapore, the interviews and surveys are mostly qualitative in nature to capture a broad understanding of the relationship between Chope!, restaurants and user. We have, however, attempted to quantify some of our findings. An in-depth analysis was conducted on the information gathered to propose solutions that are feasible to Chope!.
Specifically, our report proposes a 3-pronged approach of sustainable growth strategy supplemented by the enhancement of Chope!’s value-add to restaurants and the development of Chope!’s resources and capabilities to overcome challenges faced. This holistic approach incorporates and matches the strategic goals of Chope!, taking into account their internal and external business environments, so that Chope! can maintain their competitive advantage. Our research also revealed that Chope!’s business is in fact restaurants-driven, as the main reasons why diners make dining reservations through Chope! are the credibility of Chope! and the quality and variety of restaurants that Chope! carries. Hence, this report has made recommendations focused on enhancing value-add that is tangible to restaurant.
In addition, our proposed strategy will help ensure continuity and longevity for Chope! in terms of development of human capital, resource capabilities and utilization. Only a holistic approach can help Chope! achieve business sustainability in an industry with strong competitors.
Lastly, even though this is a company-specific business case, we believe that the principles behind the understanding of Chope!’s business model and the frameworks used in the design of the business strategies can also be applied to future e-businesses and SMEs in the Singapore context.