Summary: | 伪译是一种寄生在翻译主体上所产生的另类翻译现象。在广义的理解下,它即是作者通过借用他人之名来发表己作,而本身则由作者的身份转换成作品译者的身份。 对于伪译的属性问题历来一直受到学者的注意,它该被视为一篇“另类的翻译”还是一篇纯创作文本至今仍争论不休。伪译,如同翻译,是由四个不同元素构成的。在一篇真正翻译中的“原文”、“原文作者”、“译文”、“译者”分别成为伪译中的“假设性原文”、“假设性作者”、“实质原文”、“实质作者”。这区别是建构在读者把伪译误视为翻译上所产生的。 中国自佛经翻译至今,社会中所出现的伪译现象数见不鲜。而到了近期,最引人注目的伪译之作莫过于1993年出版的《第三只眼睛看中国》一书。此书是一篇借用了一名匿名的德国籍博士为作者的翻译之作,译者是中国著名作家王山。但之后却发现译者王山即是作者本身,而那名德国籍博士则是被虚构出来的。
Pseudotranslation is a distinctive translation phenomenon. By definition, it is considered as a text disguised by translation where the author replaces his/her original identity with someone’s name and claims him/herself to be the translator of the text. The question of where this genre of text should be categorised has always been an area of interest for many researchers. Should it be treated as a variant of translation or seen as an original creation is debatable. In the case of genuine translation, four constituting agencies –“source text”, “author”, “translated text” and “translator” -- make up the text. Pseudotranslation, however, replaces these with “assumed source text”, “assumed author”, “source text” and “author”. What differentiates the latter from the former is the reader’s false assumption that they are reading a piece of translated work. Throughout the course of China’s history, pseudotranslation texts have made constant appearances. In recent years, the most discussed pseudotranslation text is a book by the name of Viewing China through the Third Eye. Published in 1993 and under the name of an anonymous German professor, it appeared in the form of a translated text. It was later exposed that the translator was in fact the author himself, a well-known Chinese writer named Wang Shan. If every action is triggered by an intention, then this literally sets the foundation of pseudotranslation and the texts it eventually comes to produce. The pseudotranslator’s intention is a rather complicated one, involving precise social, cultural and historical factors.