總結: | The phenomenon of work migration has become increasingly common and necessary in this current age. This trend can also be observed in Singapore, as she aims to be a cosmopolitan society that prides herself in being multi-cultural and accepting towards foreigners. However, such acceptance is only limited to a specific group of foreigners, that excludes the migrant workers. This research paper seeks to gain a greater understanding of the experiences and perceptions of migrant workers in light of the increasing negative perception surrounding the issue of foreign labour in Singapore. This paper will first examine the centrality and salience of the “foreigner” status in the lives of the migrant workers. It will then discuss the difficulties and challenges faced by these migrant workers in Singapore, and the strategies they use to resist and negotiate their sense of identity. The paper then concludes with the interactions between the legal structures and migrant workers in Singapore, and provides suggestions that seek to better the lives of the migrant workers.