Summary: | 3D viewing is a recent growing trend. Most technology in 3D viewing requires viewer to wear a 3D glasses or headgear, however, Autostereoscopy is a method whereby 3D images can be viewed without the need for 3D glasses or headgear by employing the illusion of depth. The gaming console, Nintendo 3DS is an example of the usage of Autostereoscopy whereby parallax barrier is used in the device to provide 3D viewing.
Although the parallax barrier technique is among the earliest methods developed for 3D viewing, there are still downsides which have not been resolved in using the technique. This research aims to provide software oriented solutions to reduce the downside of parallax barrier. The proposed software techniques will improve the quality of the 3D effects by investigating factors such as brightness, color loss and crosstalk.
In view of cost effectiveness, the scope of this research includes examining the technique of using a parallax barrier to provide 3D viewing on any standard computer screen by converting a 2D display to a 3D display without the need for special 3D viewing devices.
A systematic approach is adopted to produce a parallax barrier printed on transparency paper. In order to print the barrier, first the barrier’s image will have to be created. The author come out with an equation to create the correct parallax barrier image’s measurement for different screen size with different pixel density. These equations were then implemented on a web application that is capable of generating parallax barrier image for any screen size so that it could be replicated in the future.
In this project, the software technique to generate an interlaced image used for the specific parallax barrier was also created. Serial of testing was conducted to improve on the software technique. The techniques were implemented on the web application that support devices like computer, tablet and latest mobile phone. These techniques were also implement to create a 3D video player for parallax barrier in the application.
Different methods of installing the parallax barrier are experimented with different materials to find the optimal solution for installation. Experiment were also carried out to find out the relationship between the qualities of the 3D image with different parameters like barrier’s column width and barrier distance.