Özet: | The Barefoot Dancer is a light-hearted and cheerful short film executed in 3D. Through the combined usage of Maya, After Effects and Photoshop, we aimed to achieve an aged, painterly look in 3D. The story idea behind The Barefoot Dancer originated from me during the Animation Seminar module. It was one day when I went to shop for a pair of shoes which sparks me and thought of a brief idea of a girl wearing different kinds of shoes that will bring her to different placed. When she wears a pair of shoes, her dressing and environment will change accordingly. At this initial stage, there wasn't any story at all, until Joanna joined me and we begin to come up with a story. However the story wasn't finalised until Jiexin and Liyana joined us and therefor our final story has been confirmed. I was the main 3D modeller and also in charge of lighting and rendering for The Barefoot Dancer. I did help out in pre-production of doing storyboards but I am mainly involved in the post production of the film.