Summary: | I think there is no greater pain than that of migraine. As a migraine patient, I have long suffered from
this throbbing form of pain and failed to find a remedy for it. The pain of migraine incapacitates and renders
one unable to carry out daily activities. Although it is experienced by 24% of the world's population1 and has
generated various interest groups in other countries, the awareness of migraine is certainly lacking in
My project is about the invisible and intangible nature of pain. The experience of this unique form of
pain has inspired me to speak about a medical condition from within the art world through the exploration of
abstract elements and self tracking. Through documentation and detailing my encounters with migraine, I
seek to find patterns that would mirror a scientific data and provide resolution to migraine attacks. By
recording the daily environmental fluctuations, I have created a correlation between external factors (weather
and sleep fluctuations) and migraine attacks, especially on the duration and degree of pain.
I want to convey the range of emotions experienced by me as a migraine patient through a scientific
book and a tactile infographic installation. Along with patterns and self formulated systems, both
deliverables will be a combination of scientific facts and poetic narratives that inform the audience about this
disease and induce a visceral emotion in them.