Summary: | Situation awareness is a critical aspect to any operation’s success. It is being aware of the
surrounding environment and its elements. It is the perception and analysis of elements
surrounding a unit and the ability to comprehend these elements with respect to time and
space. From this information, the unit responds to situations to achieve its goals and
objectives. However, when information is insuffiencent or incorrect, accidents may occur.
Thus it is important to assist ground operators in assessing situations. The recent rise of
mobile equipment has provided a platform to tap into. In addition, as robotics have vastly
improved and become part of many military and civil operations, it is important to integrate
them with the system. The iphone/itouch series is powerful enough to support a system that is
able to graphically represent a situation at a glance.
This project investigates the conceptual solution of building a Situational Awareness System
to support the SCDF by researching on existing solutions, different methods to represent
critical information within limited screen space as well as to implement a software prototype
on the itouch/iphone series that can be used by operators in their operations.