
Moriah is a narrative short film written, shot and produced by Chan Yi Hern (Bobby), Charlene Chan Shu Min, Wong Oi Shan, and Yew Si Yang, Marcus, as part of the group members’ Final Year Project (FYP) at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological Univers...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Chan, Yi Hern., Chan, Charlene Shu Min., Wong, Oi Shan., Yew, Marcus Si-Yang.
Other Authors: Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Format: Final Year Project (FYP)
Published: 2013
Online Access:
Summary:Moriah is a narrative short film written, shot and produced by Chan Yi Hern (Bobby), Charlene Chan Shu Min, Wong Oi Shan, and Yew Si Yang, Marcus, as part of the group members’ Final Year Project (FYP) at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. Known collectively as Fourbidden Productions, the team is supervised by Mr. Kym Campbell. Moriah is a discussion of universal problems of sacrifice and surrender to a higher power. It unravels the secret behind the death of a young woman and compels two Catholic priests to confront their personal struggles with God. This final report documents the nine months that Fourbidden Productions took to complete the film – from inspiration to concept, concept to print, and finally from print to screen. More importantly, this report discusses the philosophy that informed our decisions, how major obstacles were overcome, and the lessons we learnt through the making of Moriah.