Summary: | This report is for a quick design tool developed for structure designers or engineers to design Circular Hollow Section (CHS) beam-column members and base plates with “I” section, Rectangular Hollow Section (RHS), Circular Hollow Section (CHS), and Square Hollow Section (SHS).
This design tool is based on Microsoft-Excel (MS) with macros. The macros are built by Visual Basic for Application (VBA). It allows the user to perform his design work by simply entering the data and all the calculation steps will be stated clearly in MS spreadsheets.
In this report, the author will use multiple screenshots with instructions to show all the functions or control buttons used inside the design tool. With Macros, VBA and hyperlink used inside the spreadsheet, the design process becomes much more automatically and the interface becomes much more user-friendly.
As a conclusion, the author wants to build a simply and user friendly design tool to help the user to design easily and quickly without any problem. The author hope the user can enjoy the design process.
The author also hopes this design tool can be developed with more functions and becomes more user-friendly in the future and more users can enjoy using this design tool.