Summary: | Buddhism existed some 2500 years ago. When the Buddha was alive, there was interestingly no Buddha
statues, mandalas or paintings. It was later on that accomplished masters developed these imageries for
practitioners of their era to be used as aids for visualizations and education as well as for esoteric rituals.
These traces can be seen in India, such as the Nalanda Buddhist School as well as the Dunhuang Caves of
Western China.
There are two sides to Buddhism. One is the section of Truth, which focuses solely on the unbiased path to
enlightenment; the other is Culture, which includes the various arts, traditions, rituals and customs of
Buddhist practice today.
As we move on from the agricultural age to the digital age we are in today, these visual aids seemed to be
gradually losing their intended purpose and are now mainly seen and appreciated merely as pieces of art or
objects of superstition. On the other hand, people are becoming more knowledgeable with education and
therefore are getting more inquisitive. Being conservative in terms of practices and views have led to a loss
in the essence of Truth over time, leaving behind only the Cultural aspect of the religion.
With this absence of Truth, what is being practiced loses its meaning and therefore its followers, especially
Buddhist Youths in this knowledge savvy age. If this continues, rich and meaningful Buddhist teachings and
culture would be lost.
In exploring these areas, a series of concepts were covered.