Summary: | In the recent years, there are many new invention or creation of engineering products such as sensors, measurement devices and data acquisition modules. One of the newest data acquisition modules which had been selling in the market is a module called DT9837C. Data Translation releases DT9837C dynamic signal acquisition module for USB on the 25th May 2011[20].
The purpose of this documentation on the study of DT9837C is to guide the new users such as engineers, researchers, scientists or students as to give a better start on using it and wider of understanding on the benefits and functions of using this module for future project. This module is a sound and vibration measurement which will be using to test the vibration of a new UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) in Nanyang Technological of University.
UAV is a critical component of the military operation and it is also use for many purposes, for instance to capture image or radar during flight mode. However, one of the important issues which many engineers face is the effect of the vibrations cause the stability of the flying of the UAV to be low and the results of the recording of the data are not in good quality.
Finally, testing of the vibration on the UAV will be carry out in this study for a better advancement of the project by using DT9837C.