Sammanfattning: | Plamsmonic photocatalysts have recently garnered much attention due to their
enhanced e ciency in converting chemicals to harmless products. Ag/AgCl was
the rst of such structure to exhibit the degradation of MO in the presence of visible
light1, and since then, many other viable materials have seen been discovered2.
However, the ultrafast dynamics of such noble metal/semiconductor plasmonic
photocatalysts has not been studied by the community. The ability to identify
charge carrier dynamics is one of key importance in understanding the characteristics
of the material. This study attempts to solve this lack of information by
studying how the morphology and the corresponding charge dynamics of a core
shell cube of AgCl changes when it is exposed to a laser for more than 12h.
From the studies, it is found that Ag structures have formed on the surface due to
migration of elemental Ag onto the surface. This change has lead to an ampli cation
of the e ects of Ag on the surface of AgCl allowing the study of the charge
dynamics of the combined structure. The charge dynamics show results contrary
to current proposed mechanics, but further investigation is needed to verify the
origin of the charge dynamics observed.