Summary: | As arc therapy treatment like RapidArc requires the beam to pass through the treatment couch at
various angles, it is important to determine the effect of the couch in the treatment plans and
hence apply to determine a correction to it. The image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) couch
contains three different sections with three different thicknesses in the couch. The IGRT couch
cross section has two structures, the interior and the surface structures. In a previous study the
Hounsfield Unit (HU) characterization for a Monte Carlo model was found to have -700 HU for
the surface structure and -960HU for the interior structure of the IGRT couch. The objectives of
this study are to verify that the HU characterization used by the Monte Carlo model is also
suitable for use in a AcurosXB algorithm model, also to provide a couch correction on quality
assurance (QA) results for AcurosXB dose calculation for RapidArc Treatments. A cylindrical
diode array phantom (ArcCheck, Sun Nuclear Corp., USA) was used in this study. The Arc
Check was placed in the thick part of the couch. Static beams at different gantry angles and field
sizes were measures and also used in the treatment planning system to verify if the HU
characterization for AcurosXB. Comparison was done by using different sets of HU values for
the surface and interior of the IGRT couch. To determine the couch correction, static beams were
measured at sufficiently small gantry angle intervals to determine the threshold angle where the
gamma passing rates start to decrease. Results have shown that the set of HU values of -400HU
and polystyrene material, assigned for the couch surface is accurate for use in Acuros. Results
showed that when using the optimal couch setting, at couch directional angles a higher gamma
pass rate and lower dose difference were achieved. In general the results from the criterions
gamma passing rates and dose differences were in good agreement.