Summary: | Buses of the same service number leave the bus interchanges at scheduled headways (minutes),
which are different for peak hours and off-peak hours. For the first few bus stops, the buses of
the same service are able to maintain this headway. As they get further away, these headways
lengthen or shorten causing irritation to passengers at bus stops. At such, commuters’
satisfaction level has been on the decline over the recent years, according to a study.
Variation in headways and the degree of crowdedness onboard tie to reliability and comfort
level of buses respectively. The reliability and comfort level of buses are important attributes
that influence the Commuters’ Satisfaction Level.
This project is aimed to study on the Reliability, Availability, and Comfort aspect of bus
service standards from the data gathered on-site. Critical analysis on Headway Variation
and ‘Bus-bunching’ phenomenon are comprised within the study. At such, the Reliability,
Availability, and Comfort level of the buses can be ascertained, and benchmarked against
Quality of Service (QoS) Standards set by the Public Transport Council, in areas applicable.
Therefore, this study would give a better light to the actual reliability of the bus services which
the daily commuting public faces on the ground.