Summary: | Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOC) are omnipresent in indoor environments. A literature review indicated the possibility of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems having an effect on SVOCs.
The indoor concentrations of phthalate esters were studied through the use of a conceptual model. Their gaseous and particulate phase concentrations were calculated as the airstream passed through the cooler, ventilation ducts, and filter. Suitable theories and data such as the absorption theory, efficiencies of various filters and deposition velocities of particles were used to predict the gas-particle partitioning, filtration efficiency, and duct penetration rates respectively.
Overall, the removal effect on individual compounds ranged from 10% to 95% under the most ideal conditions. Removal of fine particles was less significant compared to respirable suspended particulates. The results suggested that removal rates were correlated with molecular weight and inversely correlated with temperature. This trend is consistent with the findings of other studies.