Summary: | Nowadays, autonomous robots have started to apply in our human daily life, such as vacuum cleaner, car parking system, and etc. Actually, the autonomous robot started from the manufacturing area, and then they have been applied to the military field until today. Due to the demand for autonomous robots had increased in different areas to replace human for difficult and tedious tasks. So, it may be one of our daily accessories in the future. Technically, the autonomous robots need to be high precision and high speed in harsh conditions and harmful environments. The first condition for the object tracking robot is it has to be able to travel in the harsh environments. After that, it has to follow the person and avoid obstacles in the same time. Potential Field Method was developed to let an autonomous robot to avoid obstacles. It will be easily applied in the virtual platform by using GLUT. In the real world, the IR sensors will be used to do the obstacles avoidance. Potential Field Method is good in generate a smooth path with the obstacle avoidance function while the distance between two or above obstacles must be bigger than the detected range of the robot. The IR sensors would send the analog reading to the Arduino controller and then Aduino would send out the combination of bits to the Raspberry Pi controller to control the speed and direction of the robot.