Summary: | Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) carried by Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) is
getting more and more attention in military and defence applications. It can conduct
imaging and moving target detection with very high resolution at various weather
conditions. The move towards developing usage of UAV was even highlighted
earlier this year during Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's National Day
Rally 2012 - A team from NTU participated in a UAV competition organised by US
Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA and came in top ten out of
140 teams.
In this project, the research topic of a SAR to operate in a UAV will be investigated
from system perspective, and the key technical parameters and effects will be
studied. In addition, the preliminary experiment by putting a simple radar prototype
in a smart UAV platform may be done. The project will be conducted in a
collaborative team between school of EEE and TL@NTU. By doing the project, we
managed to pick up multidiscipline knowledge and skills in the area of electrical
system and aerial flight system.
The assigned project part for the student of this report is to study and research on
Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to see how it can used in a radar system
fitted on-board of a UAV for image capturing.