Summary: | Panic disorder or panic attacks are a growing trend in our current society, estimated prevalence of such psychological illness are about 5% of the population with an increasing risk of about 15% thus making it a common disorder in Singapore as well as worldwide. Such psychological illnesses are often mistaken as heart attack as the symptoms are very similar and if every cases of such attack are referred to emergency department of hospitals; it will be a waste of resources and time. Therefore the need for a convenient and innovative ways to differentiate and help such patients is necessary.
In recent years, the use of smart phone have risen significantly, as it enable a lot of application to be use on the go and has made life in general very convenient. The focus of this project is to create an Android application to help panic disorder patient that suffer from anxiety attacks. The application would help patient discover signs and symptoms of such attacks and will have a tutorial to guide the patient on how to handle such situation and limit or stop such attack from occurring.
This project was started out from scratch by the author. During the initial phase of the project, the emphasis was placed on the understanding of panic attacks. The knowledge gain from the studies was used to plan on how to apply to the application. The second phase of the project was to implement a design for the Android application and making the application as interactive as possible.