Summary: | In this project, the following two parts of work are mainly considered. The scope of the first part is to study the fundamental theory, particularly the imagery algorithm, for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging, which is a powerful radar signal processing technique for high-resolution imagery of moving targets. The second part of the project is focused on the Matlab interface design for the simulation and demonstration of different ISAR imaging algorithms in various scenarios.
Firstly, the author reviews the theory of inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging technique, including imagery algorithms for both regular and maneuvering targets. The main task for the author on this part is to study the ISAR imaging technique and simulate the signal processing algorithms with Matlab. Subsequently, the algorithms are tested with simulated and real data.
Secondly, the Matlab interface design is also considered in this project. The graphical user interface (GUI) design procedures and results are presented to interactively demonstrate the performances of ISAR imagery algorithms on various dataset.
Finally, the author concludes this project and discusses the future work.