Summary: | Locally, there is an increasing number of people seeking alternative treatments for their health problems. One of the more prominent alternative treatments is the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice. The growth of the TCM industry has been nothing short of phenomenal, with an annual growth rate of 10%. Yet the TCM industry still faces a multitude of challenges, ranging from official recognition, public misconception and doubts. These difficulties are part of growing pains of the TCM Industry; yet these difficulties also provide opportunity for aspiring TCM businesses. Nanyang Medical Group is one of these aspiring businesses. Our value proposition lies in providing effective and efficient food and nutrition management, along with TCM techniques in improve the quality of life for its clients. Its core values – Credibility, competency and consistency forms the cornerstone of our operations. Nanyang Medical Group differentiates its target market from the other TCM companies by focusing on providing food and nutrition, a belief that today’s living habits are the cause of many of today’s health problems. Other treatments such as acupressure, acupuncture and bone setting will also be provided to consolidate Nanyang Medical Group’s position as a lifetime healthcare partner. Nevertheless, Nanyang Medical Group also has its own share of difficulties to overcome; these problems include but are not limited to; establishing a foothold and misconceptions in the TCM industry.