Summary: | With the rapid process of urbanization, energy problem is becoming more and
more prominent. Electricity is still mainly generated by burning fossil fuels, whose
reserves are limited and will emit large amount of greenhouse gas.
The concept of sustainable and intelligent buildings is emerging as an important
application area for smart grid technologies, when the effective building energy
management becomes feasible in a smart grid environment. As commercial building is
an important member of energy consumers, an Energy Cloud System (ECS) can
optimize of energy efficiency and reduce energy cost of a commercial building while
provide comfortable indoor environment.
The project is carried out through the design of Smart Gate together with ZigBee
and WiFi wireless communication. Smart Socket could measure and transfer electrical
data, micro-controllers, sensorsand many other electrical devices. The system can
efficiently manage the energy usage of lighting, heating and cooling systems in
In summary, the main contribution is building an energy database with
encryption feature. The database with encryption feature is the main research
direction of this dissertation project for Energy Cloud System. The developed system
used Controller Area Network (CAN) Communication Protocol and EPPA scheme to
design the database which offered a safer and effective information communication
process. At the same time, in this project, a Smart Socket and an android GUI were
also designed for Energy Cloud System