Summary: | Electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structure [4] is formed by artificial periodic material
or sometimes in non-periodic form, inspired from photonic crystal, that control/prohibit
the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a specified band of frequency.
These periodic materials are generically known as photonic band-gap (PBG) materials
or photonic crystals. Although photonic refers to light, the principle of band-gap applies
to electromagnetic waves of all wavelengths. Consequently, there is a controversy in the
microwave community about the use of the term of photonic, and the name
electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) material [5] or electromagnetic crystal is being
Ground plane EBG structure is one of special EBG structure in which patterns are
etched in the ground plane. These etched patterns disturb the current density distribution
in the ground plane and also change electric field distribution. This kind of structure
shows the ability to control/prohibit the electromagnetic wave propagation. Ground
plane EBG structure can be categorized into three groups based on working principle
and development progress.
First category is called as dielectric PBG structure. The circle shape ground plane PBG
filter was first discovered in periodic form and satisfied with Bragg condition. After this
discovery, many different shapes of lattice EBG structures are published. At the same
time overlapped/multiple period form of ground plane EBG structures were developed.
To further improve the pass-band performance, tapering based ground plane filter are
developed. It shows a good ability to reduce the ripple level in pass-band