Summary: | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [UAV] are famous in modem Civil and military aerospace applications. Its functionality and size lie in a broad area from small spy
UAV to drone attack UAV and various civil applications like traffic observation
and reporting. Mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle abbreviated as MAV is famous in
special battle field troops. Therefore MAV was developed to be suitable for combat
troops, which is a highly portable and better performance.
MAV presented here can be folded like a cylinder and carried easily in a cylindrical
tube. MAV is ready to launch as soon as taken out of the cylinder, which is a huge
advantage compared to other existing options.
In order to develop this MAV, optimization of wing structure was required. It
should be foldable in one direction to be portable and it should be stiff in the
opposite direction to withstand flying conditions. Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
(CFRP) wing was designed and various type of layups were analysed in ANSYS to
find stress concentration on the wing structure according to the foldable loading
conditions and flying conditions.
After trying a number of iterations for layer orientations, it was found that the 3
layers of CFRP oriented in [±45] directions were the most suitable for wing
structure. That layup has the least stress concentration in the desired folding
To validate these predictions, wing was manufactured and tested. It was
manufactured in autoclave process by curing 120 min at 125°C and 100 psi. Then it
was tested for flying condition and for the folding conditions. In a folding test, it
was folded to the desired size. The comfort of folding and the shape of folding were
compared with the existing models. Next, the wing was tested in wind tunnel to
check its flying characteristics.
It is concluded that this wing design gives the best folding and flying conditions.
Further, it was understood that the stiffness should be acquired by geometrical
camber and the flexibility should be maximised by optimizing the composite layup.