Summary: | 在 1940 年,新加坡的影坛出现了两位华人导演:侯曜与尹海灵。由于当时,新加坡刚建立属于自己的电影制片厂,因此侯曜与尹海灵可说是成了拍摄新加坡本地电影的先驱导演。作为中国著名的导演与理论家,侯曜带着尹海灵来到新加坡,却不幸罹难。至于尹海灵,虽在战后依然留在新加坡,成为了唯一留新的华南女导演,甚至拍摄了两部本地的华语电影,但拍摄了两部电影之后却音讯全无。最遗憾的是,对于这两位导演的事迹却被模糊地记载,尤其是在新加坡时期的记录更是被各国学者忽略。由于资料散乱并且不全,笔者各别到新加坡国家图书馆、南洋理工大学、新加坡国立大学与新加坡国家档案馆,以寻找原始资料,补充两位导演不全的记录。既然文坛上对于两人的记录不齐全,也是份零散,本文将以两位导演为主要研究对象,从侯曜的大学时期开始整理出他的相关资料,再以侯曜看尹海灵,从她的学徒时期开始整理出她的电影创作过程,补充文坛上关于两人所欠缺的纪录。Two Chinese directors, Hou Yao and Wan Hoi Ling, come to Singapore in 1940 and became involved in the local film industry. As Singapore only built its own film studio during that period of time, Hou Yao and Wan Hoi Ling became the pioneer directors to produce Singapore’s local films. Being a famous China director and theorist, Hou Yao brought Wan Hoi Ling to Singapore but unfortunately, he died during World War II. On the other hand, Wan Hoi Ling, being the only Southern China female director to be living in Singapore, stayed on and produced two local Chinese films during the post-war period. However, she vanished after producing her second Chinese film and there was no record of her activities since then. Information regarding the two directors is scattered and incomplete, especially during the time period when they stayed in Singapore.Through searching information from Singapore National Library, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore and the National Archives of Singapore, this thesis aims to capture both the neglected and scattered information so as to file a more proper and clear record of the two directors. In a chorological order, this thesis will look into Hou Yao, especially starting from him studying in University. Finally, looking into Wan Hoi Ling based on the understanding of Hou Yao, starting from her being an apprentice, thus filling up the blank pages of their records.