Summary: | 女性课题在新加坡华语语系电影的讨论中,一直都受到较少的关注。其中一个原因或许是新加坡华语语系电影本身的产量就不多,因此能够被讨论的例子很少。另外,其它以华语为主要媒介语的电影市场如中国、台湾和香港等,都处于较为成熟的市场,因此随着而来的便是广泛的学术讨论。其次,许多研究本地华语语系电影的学者都把焦点放在国家发展、经济、环境等领域,而非个人或边缘群体身上,关于女性课题的讨论更是极为少数。本文尝试把四部在90年代至今颇受好评的本地电影放在一起讨论,希望能以不同的西方理论为基础来带出相似的观点。这里所指的观点便是这四部电影都同样具有许多关于性别,尤其是关于女性的符号。这些电影中的女性不仅仅在电影里扮演着各自的角色如妹妹、老婆、歌手、母亲、女佣等,她们还扮演了身为一位女性的角色,这也是在本文中不可忽视的重点。本文将会通过分析电影中女性角色的特质与形象,以便了解女性角色在本地华语语系电影中的地位和意义。This paper picks out four acclaimed local films that are released between 1990s till today, together with various theories in hope to bring out the common agenda. This agenda refers to these four films having close connections with gender issues, especially in regards to female roles. These females not only played the roles of sister, wife, singer, mother or maid, but more importantly, they are also playing the role as a woman. In short, this paper will be studying and analyzing the characteristics and articulations of the female roles in these movies so as to better understand the conditions and significances of female roles in the local Chinese sinophone films.