Summary: | 本文研究20世纪初至“二战”前、“二战”后以及独立以后, 新加坡华文教科书的嬗变。在这三个不同的时间段当中, 新加坡华文教育体系历经无数次大改革,华文教科书也因此必须做出相应的调整。从20世纪初至“二战”前的“中国 化”到“二战”后的“马来亚化”以及独立以后的“新加坡化”, 华文教科书紧跟 随着历史的脉络作出相对的改编。这样的改编也间接影响了学生们的国族认同。因此,本文将结合教育历史背景的阐述以及出版概况来解释每个时期新加坡 出现的不同教育倾向,同时也将考察各时期的华文教科书来探究其是否反映各时期 的教育倾向。考察的范围主要以插图、封面和教科书的内容编排以及文字的使用为主。This paper is a study of the evolution of Singapore’s Chinese textbooks in three different eras, namely the pre-war, post-war and post-independence periods. During which, Singapore’s educational system underwent numerous revolutionary changes, and Chinese textbooks dutifully followed suit. For instance, the educational system for the Chinese adopted a predominant pro-China stance in the pre-war era. This evolved into the post-war call for “Malayanisation” and finally, to the localisation of textbooks in the newly independent Republic of Singapore. Different tendencies in Chinese textbooks also indirectly influence students’ perception of a nation which will eventually affect their decision to assume a particular national identity. Therefore, this paper seeks to explain the three above-mentioned tendencies of the educational system using an outline of Singapore’s historical background and an overview of the publishing industry in the three different eras. More importantly, this research paper focuses on the examination of Chinese textbooks from each of the three different time frames, to determine if such tendencies exist. Primary tools of research will include pictorial illustrations found in various textbooks as well as the choice of content and words used.