Summary: | 本文主要运用词汇学、修辞学以及社会语言学的理论分析了汉语新闻专题报道体 现出的语言特征。本文选取的语料来自新加坡与香港的中文报刊针对2013年10月1日至 17日之间发生的“美国联邦政府关闭事件”所做的专题报道。本文的研究发现,两个 国家的中文报刊语言多用缩略语以及修辞来加强新闻传播的效果。本文也通比较新加 坡与香港的报刊语言发现两地在语用上的差异。在词汇方面,新加坡华语受到了香港 特有词汇以及新词汇的影响。在语体方面,香港报刊多用文言的词汇,同时也常用粤 语口语特有的词汇。因此,笔者希望通过此研究让读者对报刊语言有更深一层的理解, 即理解媒体如何利用报刊语言的特征来加强新闻的传播效果;从中突显出研究报刊语 言的价值。The thesis applies lexicology, rhetoric and sociolinguistics theories to the analysis of the linguistic features as displayed in Chinese newspaper reports on a special incident: the shutdown of the United States federal government shutdown which took place between 1st October and 17th October 2013. Newspaper articles from Singapore and Hong Kong that reported on this special incident make up the text corpus used in this thesis. Statistics in this thesis has shown that abbreviated expressions and rhetoric devices are widely and frequently used as a style in newspaper language to enhance the effect of the relay of information from the news to the readers. Through comparing the newspaper language of Singapore and that of Hong Kong, we categorized the differences in the usage of the Chinese language in newspaper reports between these two countries. In terms of vocabulary, regional words and new words that originated from Hong Kong Chinese have been found in Singapore’s Chinese newspapers. In terms of the style of writing, Hong Kong newspapers use more literary words as well as colloquial expressions than that of Singapore. Therefore, the thesis aims to provide readers with a platform to better understand the language of journalism of Singapore and Hong Kong through the findings as displayed in this case