Summary: | 本文研究目的是从俗文学的角度出发,对六种不同的京剧《单刀会》文本进行比较,以活态表演录像为辅,探讨不同文本产生的不同世俗情趣和审美作用,体现戏曲的传承与突破的趋向。六种《单刀会》京剧文本主要改编自关汉卿的元杂剧《关大王独赴单刀会》。与此同时,元杂剧《关大王独赴单刀会》亦是处在元代讲史话本《三国志平话》这么一个民间传说集大成的阶段,在历代对三国故事的文化积累上进行创作而得以成型;特别是现存最早的《单刀会》文献记载《三国志·吴书·鲁肃传》,对作品的启发必然产生影响。因此,在研究不同的《单刀会》京剧文本之前,有必要对其历史源流进行追溯,以更好地掌握它的继承及创新的脉络,体会戏曲文学川流不息的生命力。接着,通过文本细读的方式、录像资料的观赏,对六种《单刀会》京剧文本的删增进行比较,归类成人物形象、内容情节、思想力度这三个主题,探讨文本产生的不同世俗情趣和审美作用。This thesis focuses on the analysis of Traditional Chinese Opera Literature, in particular, “Lord Guan Goes to the Feast” (Dan Dao Hui) in six different Peking opera’s versions. Before we begin studies on the Peking opera’s versions “Lord Guan Goes to the Feast”, it is essential to trace back to its historical origins. All six of the Peking opera’s versions are heavily adapted from the Yuan opera’s version “Lord Guan Goes to the Feast”, that is written by the highly-renowned playwright Guan Hanqing. At the same time, the Yuan opera’s version (Yuan Zaju) derives its inspirations from “Sanguozhi Pinghua”, a massive collection of folklore stories on The Three Kingdoms, and “Sanguozhi’s Lu Su Zhuan”, the earliest historical record on “Lord Guan Goes to the Feast”. This provides a better understanding on how the traditions and re-creations of the Peking versions come about, thus explaining the underlying reason for its immense popularity among commoners over the history. This thesis will then analyze the differences in content across the six versions of Peking opera “Lord Guan Goes to the Feast”. They are classified under three themes: character portrayal, plot creation and thought inclination. Using recorded live performances as a reference, this thesis aims to provide its readers a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese Opera Literature and better appreciation of the arts of Peking opera.