Summary: | 李贄,字宏甫,號卓吾,中國思想界有名的“異端”,在很長一段時間内作爲尊法反儒的代表人物,也是學界研究中國思想的其中一個熱點。對李贄此人的看法,在學術界可說是眾聲喧嘩、莫衷一是,而且相當兩極化。本文希望從不同時期對李贄的定位與評價的爭議,重新探索李贄思想以及形象轉變的根本原因,并試圖重新構建李卓吾在明代思想界乃至中國思想史的地位,為學界的李贄研究提供另一個比較新鮮的切入角度。筆者將會討論以下幾個問題,其一,從後人評價以及李贄本人部份作品中管窺李贄思想關心的面向,藉以重新定位卓吾在中國思想脈絡中的位置。其二,李贄的思想之所以屢屢遭人質疑、非議,很大程度是因為他大膽地提出“不以孔子之是非為是非”的口號,從而被貼上“反傳統”的標籤。本文將會從李贄對孔子、歷史人物以及《四書》、小說等的評價,去探討李贄思想中“反傳統”的成份。其三,對李贄的思想以及其為人的評價,是隨著時代不斷變動的,本文也會以此為切入點,淺析中國政治以及歷史潮流如何影響、推動思想學說的產生和嬗變。Li Zhi(李贄), also known as Hong Fu(宏甫), but more commonly known by his pseudonym, Li Zhuowu(李卓吾), is a renowned “heretic” in the area of Chinese Thought. For a substantial amount of time, Li Zhi has been regarded a representative figure of Pro-Legalist and Anti-Confucianism(尊法反儒), and has also been a popular topic of interest in the research of Chinese Thought. The academic world have a myriad of varied views on Li Zhi and such views often fall in the extremities of praise and criticism. This thesis hopes to reexamine the evolution of Li Zhi’s thoughts and image via his position in Chinese thought and commentaries. This paper will not only attempt to reconstruct and redefine Li Zhi’s position in Ming thought and the history of Chinese thought as well, providing a fresh perspective for scholastic research on Li Zhi. The author will discuss the following questions in this paper. Firstly, to unravel the crux of Li Zhi’s thought and concerns through a survey of historical commentaries and Li Zhi’s selected works in order to reestablish Li Zhi’s position in the field of Chinese thought. Secondly, Li Zhi’s thought have constantly attracted skepticism and doubts due to his bold statement, “Confucius' (idea of) right or wrong isn’t the only idea of right or wrong”(不以孔子之是非為是非), earning him the label of being antitraditional. This thesis will discuss the element of anti-traditionalism in Li Zhi’s thought through Li zhi’s commentaries on Confucius, historical characters and novels. Thirdly, commentaries on Li Zhi’s thoughts and character have changed with time, this paper will utilize this perspective to analyze how China’s politics and historical trends affect and motivate the formation and changes in Chinese thought.