Summary: | 李渔是清代著名的戏曲家。李渔戏曲最大的特色就是喜剧,其戏曲著作《笠翁十种曲》收录的十出戏曲全都是喜剧,其中有四出是改编自他的小说作品。戏曲《奈
探讨李渔如何以喜剧为载体同时达到其教化目的。学术研究大多数是以宏观角度研究李渔及其戏曲创作理论,笔者认为针对作品的微观研究也是不可或缺的。本论文透过小说和戏曲的对比,以小见大,希望可以让李渔的学术研究更丰富、更多元。Li Yu, one of the renowned playwright of Qing Dynasty, his dramas are featured by comedic, "Li Weng Shi Zhong Qu" is his masterpiece in drama. It is a collection of ten comedies; four of the comedies were adapted by Li Yu's previously written novels. "Nai He Tian" is one of the drama which was adapted from the novel "Silent Drama• An Ugly Man who is Reluctant to Marry a Coquetry Wife yet Get a Glamorous one in the End". (Wu Sheng Xi•Chou Lang Jun Pa Jiao Pian De Yan)
Due to the composing period, the happy ending of the drama is rather different to the novel. The novel and the drama were composed in two different backgrounds. The novel was written during the chaos of change of Ming and Qing Dynasty, yet the drama was a post-war creation, which was created at the Qing domination.
This thesis will investigate in detail the adaptation of the drama "Nai He Tian" from the novel"An Ugly Man who is Reluctant to Marry a Coquetry Wife yet get a Glamorous one in the End”. I will talk about the changes from novel to drama based on its various characters, storyline, as well as the changes on drama’s ending, and will explain the reasons of the adaptation and elaborate on how these changes emphasize the different themes of both works. Furthermore, I will also discuss how Li Yu hopes to educate audience through his comedies.