Summary: | With increasing demands and requirements for miniature electronics devices like smartphones,
tablets, and mobile services like cloud computing, it is increasingly in trend that these devices
are required to perform complex functionalities not just fast, but also power-efficient. No matter
how small these devices are designed and constructed, it is always in the end, down to how
efficient they are able to utilize a power or energy source. In this final year project, I will be
investigating the design of a voltage reference that is made up of both positive and negative
temperature coefficient term. The goal is to achieve the right mix, so that a zero temperature
coefficient voltage reference can be designed and built.
The Final Year Project will be broken down into 3 main phases.
In the First Phase, I was briefed on the requirements of the FYP end-product, to understand what
is required and what information I will need to assist me in the entire FYP process. Therefore, as
in other technical projects, the first step is to source for information and references on how the
desired end-product functions and also all other relevant Electronics Circuits information. This is
done by visiting to the school library as well as searching for e-books via the internet.
At the Second Phase, the project begins here after literature reviews as mentioned in Phase 1. I
started to design the required end-product with the necessary theories and information I have
sourced. During this phase of the project, I made time to meet my supervisor regularly as to keep
him updated with my progress, as well as discussing and seeking advices from him for the
technical problems which I have been facing.
Moving onto the final phase here is started the testing and simulation of my end-design. This is
important as in the IC Design Process; there are times where I have overlooked certain technical
aspects. Therefore, by carrying out a detail testing and simulation, I will be able to iron out any
design mistakes and also identifying areas that require improvements on.
At this phase, I also started begin to write the documentation and the FYP Report concurrently.