Summary: | The activity of an employee making a purchase for the purpose of business in advance using his/her own money and then subsequently seeking reimbursement is common in business practices. The process in which the claim for reimbursement is reviewed and approved is thus called the claim-approval process. The Approvals Processing System was devised to solve the current problems faced by the staff of the Nanyang Technological University in the use of the Electronic Transport Claims System (ETCS). The APS is a component of the Automated Transport Claims System, ATCS (i.e. the product name for the End-to-End Taxi Transport Claims System), and addresses the problems while considering the improvements which can be made to the business process. This is done by incorporating of audit controls and reports for approvers to identify exceptional claims and manage the budget-expenditure situation. The incorporation of audit controls also serves to qualify the APS as a finance-related system. Additionally, this report covers the process of my management and coordination of the whole project from the proposal of the ATCS, the tackling of problems faced and the decisions made for the necessary changes from the original goals of the system, to the final design of the whole end-to-end solution.