从日本对华 ODA 看中日关系的互动 = The bilateral interaction of Sino-Japan relations : a study of Japan’s ODA to China

自从大平正芳首相在 1979 年访华时宣布对中国的第一笔日元贷款,日本对华 ODA 的历史业已超过三十年时间。随着时间的推移,对华 ODA 在成为中国经济发展 的重要推动力同时,也逐渐成长为中日关系中十分关键的一环。但是纵观对华 ODA 演变历史,它的发展算不上一帆风顺。随着在 1990 年代,日本逐渐在对华 ODA 决 策过程中加入政治色彩,从而影响到了中日关系的发展。随之而来的是,中日之间 不断产生摩擦的声音。而也正是在这一时期,中国重新拿出历史问题向日本问责。 而在此之后,中日两国人民也逐渐产生种种隔阂与误解。到了 21 世纪之后,对华 ODA 失去增进两国关系的政治功能,反而成为制约中...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 黄逸凡 Huang, Yifan
Other Authors: Cui Feng (HSS)
Format: Final Year Project (FYP)
Published: 2015
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/10356/62238
Summary:自从大平正芳首相在 1979 年访华时宣布对中国的第一笔日元贷款,日本对华 ODA 的历史业已超过三十年时间。随着时间的推移,对华 ODA 在成为中国经济发展 的重要推动力同时,也逐渐成长为中日关系中十分关键的一环。但是纵观对华 ODA 演变历史,它的发展算不上一帆风顺。随着在 1990 年代,日本逐渐在对华 ODA 决 策过程中加入政治色彩,从而影响到了中日关系的发展。随之而来的是,中日之间 不断产生摩擦的声音。而也正是在这一时期,中国重新拿出历史问题向日本问责。 而在此之后,中日两国人民也逐渐产生种种隔阂与误解。到了 21 世纪之后,对华 ODA 失去增进两国关系的政治功能,反而成为制约中日关系发展的政治砝码。而因 此,对华 ODA 也最终与 2008 年宣告终结。在这样的背景之下,本文讨论了在对华 ODA 演变过程之中,中日双方的背后动 因,以及对华 ODA 又是如何影响中日关系的发展。同时,通过对于 1972 年中日邦 交正常化至今的历史梳理,本文也尝试去总结中日关系中的互动机制。Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) policy towards China has been more than 30-year history, since Japanese Prime Minster Ohira announced the first yen loan to China in 1979. It has made a significant progress to Chinese economy, and become critical components of Sino-Japanese bilateral relations today. However, the history of ODA to China was not going well all the time. It became more controversial, especially after Japan made adjustments to the policy-making process in 1990s. The bilateral relations get influenced because of those adjustments, and more tension was caused between China and Japan. Also since then, China started to bring up historical issues to Japan, and misunderstandings and gaps were emerged between Chinese and Japanese. After 21st Century, ODA no longer played as incentive role in Sino-Japan relations as before. It became more as political leverages that jeopardize the development of the bilateral relations. Because of this, China and Japan had both confirmed to terminate the yen loan in 2008. Under this background, this essay is trying to examine the motivations for both China and Japan throughout the ODA history, and how development of ODA process influenced Sino-Japan relations. Above that, by exploring the history from normalization process in 1972 to today, this essay also tries to sum up the mechanism of interaction process between China and Japan.