Summary: | 今日新加坡为了解决人口问题,继续维持稳定的经济发展,和保持竞争力,再度引进新移民是在所难免,而且有立竿见影之效。然而,新加坡人(旧移民后裔)和新移民的摩擦,却频频发生。本文以人口白皮书作引子,从引进海外人口,而阐明新加坡人所面对的焦虑和问题。本文首先以移民的历史、背景、动因、形式来作分析,来研究新旧移民的隔阂。接着,身份认同建构是以“新加坡核心”及接受新加坡的价值观来探讨新移民的认同,并在相互了解和磨合的过程里产生归属感而融合。除此,本文也从国家政策方面,以宏观国家的建设,创造一个能让新移民付出和贡献的大环境,和以民间团体方面来探索如何尽快协助新移民融入的对策。New migrants, while pragmatic, are one of more inevitable and controversial policies that aim to tackle the population issue and maintain the Singaporean edge in business development and sustainability within the global market. Friction exists between the locals and migrants over a magnitude of socio-political issues and the recent Population White Paper had also brought renewed attention to the issue. To understand the schism between Singaporeans and foreign migrants, we delve into the history and motivations behind migration and the stark differences between the Singaporeans, the original migrants in the early 1900s, and the modern migrants. In our efforts towards tolerance and harmony, we look at the quintessential factor behind what makes a Singaporean – the Singaporean Identity. From a macroscopic approach, this thesis concludes with possible solutions for migrants to integrate with our Singapore culture and contribute harmoniously towards a better future.