Summary: | 随着马来亚共产党在1989年签署合艾协议后,近年来越来越多马来亚共产党成员相继出版回忆录或公开更多历史资料,使马共研究再次吸引人们的关注。而作为国际共产主义运动的其中一环,马来亚共产党除了在马来亚展开共产革命,也积极和其他共产党取得联系、相互合作。虽然马来亚共产党有既丰富又复杂的党际关系,但未有马共研究着重讨论马来亚共产党和其他共产党的党际关系。因此本文将尝试整理马来亚共产党自1930年成立以来,和印度尼西亚共产党、苏联共产党及中国共产党这三个共产党之间的关系。笔者将论述马来亚共产党与个别政党之间如何开始联系、两党往来过程,以及关系如何结束,并且分析政党之间的关系对马来亚共产党产生什么影响。 After peace agreements were signed by the Malayan Communist Party in 1989, more ex-party members started to publish memoirs and more historical documents were being released. Thus, studies on the Malayan Communist Party began to attract more attention. As part of the International Communist Movement, other than promoting communism in Malaya, the Malayan Communist Party also actively seek to build friendly and cordial relations with other communist parties. Although Malayan Communist Party has a complicated history of inter-party relations, but few research today has been conducted on the inter-party relations of the Malayan Communist Party with other Communist parties. As such, this paper aims to examine the ties between Malayan Communist Party and the Communist Party of Indonesia, the Communist Party of Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China since 1930. This paper will analyse how these inter-party relations began, the process, and how they ended and also discuss the respective influences of the relations on the Malayan Communist Party.