Summary: | F&B Point of Sale (POS) Management Systems is a solution for restaurants and cafes that wish to upgrade their operations using technology. The system allows for better planning, control and management. In addition, it improves dining experiences to provide more efficient and higher quality customer service. The diner will experience faster payment process, quicker service and shorter queues. The system also enhances the process of handling bills and generating sale reports and statements. POS consists of an interface for staff and an interface for customers. The staff system allows service crew to arrange seating and to place orders using an Android application. As each order is placed, it is separated and sent to the database to be processed quickly. The system would automatically time-stamp the order and match the corresponding table number so that orders do not get mixed up. On the customers’ interface, the system would also provide customers with current bill information based on what has been ordered. Finally, the bill information is linked to system for the staff to handle the bill payment effectively. The system will be implemented using Android application for tablet computers. The front end will be developed using JAVA (Android) and the back end will work on MySQL database and server. The application has been successful developed. It is capable of providing restaurants with the POS system that manages their seating, ordering, billing, and report generation. However, many features and functions have not been added at this point and will be considered for future research and development.