Summary: | The Optimal Location Query problem is the exploration for an ideal location that satisfies a specified cost metric in a spatial database. The usage of Optimal Location Query extends to many real life practical scenarios such as scouting a site to open a hypermarket in an area where it would be able attract the most number of customers as possible, yet keeping competition with other retailers at bay. Optimal Location Queries can also be used to facilitate in determining an area where its minimum distance to its benefiters are maximised. The aim of this project would encompass the implementation of Optimal Location Query algorithms presented in the scholarly paper entitled “Optimal Location Queries in Road Networks”. This involves implementing both basic and fine grain partitioning approaches, experimenting and analysing the efficacy on large datasets and producing the result on a graphical user interface. Performance and memory consumption impact was analysed on FGP parameter Θ, number of User-Specified Edges |Ec| / |E|, number of clients |C|, and on Number of Facility |F|. It is noted that FGP performance in computational speed and memory consumption faired better than basic traversal in most test. Also when Θ set at 0.01 (1%) would maximise FGP performance, however, setting Θ at 0.1 can also be considered as it gives a balanced reduction in both computational time and memory.