Summary: | As can be read from SAS 25, there is a wide latitude in the choice of accounting
treatments for investments. This has resulted in diverse practices and lack uniformity in
accounting for investments and hence impaired the comparability of financial statements.
This paper seeks to study which are the popular accounting methods adopted by listed
companies in Singapore. And also to explore the rationale for the use of certain preferred
accounting treatments. At the same time, it looks into the possible reasons for any
deviation from SAS 25 by companies.
The current scenario of considerable variation in accounting treatments for investments
applies across countries. Hence, various accounting standard boards have drawn up
Exposure Drafts, attempting to eliminate alternatives. A thorough study of the Exposure
Drafts was made to evaluate the appropriateness of the proposals.
Lastly, this paper also looks into the accounting standards for investments of various
countries and comparison is being made against SAS 25. Differences are being