Summary: | The increasing complexity of the Banking environment requires both banking
student and it is believed, the banker too have an understanding of the
liabilities that the banker can be subjected. to. This will enable banking
business to be conducted effectively within the law.
This project is concerned with the law and practices relating to banker's
liabilities. The introductory part covers the nature and creation of the banker-customer
relationship and how the relationship is terminated. The paying and
collecting bankers' liabilities and their protection under the various
circumstances will be discussed next. Consideration will also be given to the
banker's duty of secrecy to render advice and furnish references. The actual
practices of the bankers are also studied before a general conclusion is drawn.
The sources of information are library materials. These include case reports,
books, journals and statutes. In addition, interviews were also conducted with
employees of Standard Chartered Bank, Post Office Savings Bank, POSB
Credit and another leading bank.