Summary: | Urban farming is a real beneficial method to promote healthy lifestyle, build a greener environment, as well as helps in providing instant access to the produces. It helps in bringing healthier lifestyle to the consumers. Other than these, it has numerous benefits. Urban farming helps in providing solution for number of issues such as food security as well as environmental sustainability. The primary benefits associated with the term urban farming that makes it a real important tool in current environment which include the guarantee of freshness of produces that comes up with urban farming. With the help of urban farming techniques people will be able to access quality food in abundant quantity that will ultimately help in improving the quality of life. It also encourages social interaction among farmers that will ultimately attract young population to take interest in farming. Singapore is located near the equator and owing to its geographical location and maritime exposure, the country experiences high level of humidity and abundant rainfall. Therefore, the country is considered the most appropriate for growing countless types of edible produces such as vegetables, fruits and herbs. With these inherent advantages, urban farming should be further explored and promoted in Singapore. With research on technologies and market demand, a mobile application title as iFarm was developed to provide farming techniques and also a discussion sharing platform for consumers. It aims to provide greater convenience for consumers to have their produces ready within their own compound. Most important of all, the application helps in providing attractive features for consumers' to grow produces in a way which cannot be achieve by traditional farming.