Summary: | As the technological and industrial advancements, it requires offshore oil and gas industries to increase the production by moving into deepwater exploration and production. The environments become more hostile and challenging for the production risers. There are increasing interests to use composite riser due to the numerous potential benefits. Comprehensive information on hybrid composite pipes is not sufficient enough on the international standards and therefore there is a need to conduct experiments to analyse and determine on types of failures and the strength of the composite. In this project, a new test fixture, acoustic emission device and strain gauge will be used for the internal pressure test. Due to feasibility, the riser is model as a pipe. Two hybrid composite pipes will undergo internal pressurise until they burst. Data from the test will be recorded and analysed for the failures that happened during the test. The hybrid composite pipe shows that it is much stronger and effective than aluminum pipe. From the test, Carbon Fibre- BMI resin pipe is stronger than Carbon Fibre- epoxy resin pipe. The mode of failures was investigated and analysed the from the AE and strain- stress data.