Summary: | This paper contributes to positive psychology and positive organizational behaviour research by addressing important gaps in the literature on growth needs and experiences. It proposes a conceptual framework to clarify the connection (and distinction) between two types of growth experiences, viz., Capability Extension (going past the perceived limits of one’s abilities) and Connectedness Extension (going beyond once-conceived boundaries of the self). Across three sets of studies, both sets of experiences are shown to be united by the overarching theme of Self-Extension, i.e. self-growth that involves going beyond previously perceived limits of the self. Not only are both Capability and Connectedness Extension seen to be positively associated with subjective well-being and engagement in Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, but Positive Expectations (i.e. Hope, Optimism and Self-Efficacy) and a focus on meaning are shown to mediate these relationships. Further, notwithstanding the links between them, Capability and Connectedness Extension are shown to be distinguishable forms of Self-Extension in that they are associated with differing relative priorities in relation to both the self and the key responsibilities of organizations. Finally, two individual dimensions of Self-Extension are proposed (i.e. the perceived Importance of Self-Extension vs. the Frequency of its experiences) and each is seen to have differing associations with the key individual and organizational outcome variables.