Summary: | Investigation into the effect of message framing upon persuasion is a relatively new
but emerging stream of research within the framework of both consumer behaviour
and psychology. Past researches in this area have produced inconclusive and
conflicting results with both the positive and negative frames heralded as more
persuasive than their oppositely-valenced counterparts.
Maheswaran & Meyers-Levy (1990) empirically tested a theoretical explanation for
these mixed findings where issue involvement is seen as a mediating factor of framing
effects. Brett Martin (1993) extended the research to a New Zealand sample to test
the cross-cultural applicability of the findings of Maheswaran & Meyers-Levy. The
present study replicates the research by Brett Martin in an Asian context to further
investigate the generalisability of the original findings of Maheswaran & Meyers Levy.
In accordance with Brett Martin, the present study utilised felt involvement as
the conceptualised involvement construct and gender effects were also tested.
Results of the study failed to provide support for the earlier findings. In fact,
irrespective of the valence of the message frame, persuasion is consistently higher
under high involvement condition as compared to low involvement condition. As
expected, no gender effects were found to be present.
The theoretical implication of this study is that the aforementioned theoretical
framework cannot be generalised across culture. Indeed, the results suggested that
cross-cultural difference may itself be a mediating factor of framing effects upon
persuasion. The findings of the present study have a number of managerial implications for
promotional strategy in the Singapore context. Organisations should raise the response
involvement (situational involvement) of target consumers for their commercial
product through sales promotions such as lucky draws, discount coupons and free
gifts since persuasion is greater under high involvement. Besides, promoters should
not over-emphasize the importance of of different message frames upon persuasion,
especially if the target audience are Chinese consumers who tend to be more skeptical.