Summary: | Audio amplifiers such as speakers and headphone drivers usually require large output currents to drive a relatively small load while simultaneously maintaining a very low distortion. This report particularly concerns the design of a headphone driver using CMOS class-AB stage. In this report, the audio amplifier to be designed should have a Gain Bandwidth (GBW) much larger than 22.5kHz and a closed loop gain of over 40 dB with a power supply of 1.8V. The audio amplifier will comprise three stages: input stage, class-AB stage, and output stage. To provide stability, the output will be fed back to the input stage through a negative feedback. Class-AB stage is required to provide quiescent currents for the output stages and prevent crossover distortion at the two output transistors. In addition, the audio amplifier should have a reasonably high power efficiency and good stability. All the stages and the biasing circuits were designed in Cadence EDA tools for circuit simulation. In addition, the DC, AC, transient, and stability analyses of the resulting amplifier are to be done in this platform.