Summary: | The world is evolving with advancing technology; mobile systems are being seen as a necessity into our everyday life. Subsequently, household automation with in-house security system, linking to cloud databases is getting prominent within modern mobile devices applications. These mobile applications are useful in aiding users to control and activate certain home functions, thus creating the modern concept of SMART home system. At the start of this report, the history of the Bluetooth Technology will be shared on; along with the introduction of its operating frequency ranges for Bluetooth applications. Furthermore, a short description of how Bluetooth Technology works will also be touched on. Next, the detailed description of this project will then be shared. This project comprises of 3 main parts. The first part of this project is the creation of an Android Mobile Application. Android Studio Developer software is used in this project, as it provides a comprehensive and user-friendly interface for beginners, in android programming. This mobile application provides users with the GUI Interface, to interact with the Bluetooth module and the Arduino Uno board, through the use of a mobile device. The second part of the project will be on the Bluetooth communication link from the phone to the Bluetooth module, then to the Arduino, to allow for communication between the processor board and the mobile devices. This is required so that, after the pairing between devices is successfully carried out, the locking and unlocking of the door lock can then be carried out smoothly. The third part of this project will then be on the creation of the electro-mechanical linkage for the bolt lock, controlled by the Arduino board. The creation of the casing for the project plus the hardware presentation will also be shared in the report. Lastly, this report will end off with the sharing of possible future developments of this pre-existing project. Sharing on the lessons learnt from this project, will also be carried out, given that one has no prior knowledge on programming, which is tentatively covering a huge percentage for this FYP workload.