Summary: | Since the interest rate liberalisations initiated by the
Monetary Authority of Singapore in 1975, there has been
significant fluctuations in the domestic interest rates.
Among the different interest rates, the three-month
interbank rate is closely monitored by various bodies such
as the Singapore Government, financial institutions and
corporations. This is because the rate is frequently used
as a benchmark £or setting other rates, thus playing an
important role in determining the level of activity in the
economy. It is therefore the aim of this report to identify
the major determinants of the three-month interbank rate.
A literature survey was first conducted on the theoretical
approaches to interest rate determination. This was
followed by studies presented by various academics to
determine the domestic interest rates. An econometric model
was subsequently developed and tested using MicroTsp
Our estimation results show that domestic interest rate was
susceptible to changes in both domestic and foreign
economic developments, although the extent of foreign
influence on interbank rate is small as compared to the impact exerted by domestic variables. This may be explained
by the fact that the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
intervenes actively in the foreign exchange market.
Subsequently, bank liquidity, which represents domestic
influences, exerted the most significant impact on interest
Besides the quantifiable variables, our model attempted to
capture the 'qualitative' effects of the various major
events which have significant impact on the three-month
interbank rate. These dummy variables were found to be
statistically significant in the determination of the
interbank rate.
In conclusion, local factors seemed to have a greater
impact on the three-month interbank rate as compared to
foreign influences. As such, participants in the interbank
market should monitor the domestic developments closely but
bearing in mind that events overseas may have an impact on
the domestic economy.