Summary: | Although a significant number of mergers and
acquisitions is being undertaken in Singapore annually, the
scale of local merger activities pales in comparison to those
in the US and UK. Nevertheless, mergers and . acquisitions
have played an important part in the growth of several
public listed companies in Singapore over the years and they
are regarded as a useful tool for diversification and
Three aspects of mergers and acquisitions
with specific reference to the local context are covered in
this study. The principle focus of the · study is the
determination of the predominant motive underlying
takeover activities. The predominant ·motive was identified
via case studies on a sample of 20 cases of mergers or
acquisitions over the past ten years and which satisfy the
laid down criteria. The second part of the study examines
how the regulatory framework affects takeover activities.
The third part analyzes the defenses employed by target
companies against unwelcome bids. A comprehensive literature
review pertaining to the above-mentioned aspects of mergers
and acquisitions was carried out. In addition, the offer
documents, circulars to shareholders, press reports and other relevant articles were thoroughly scrutinized to
identify the predominant motive of the takeover for the case
study analysis and to detect defended acquisitions.
The study found that in general there were more
than one motive in each case of merger or
major motives identified in the
acquisition. The
study include
diversification, target undervaluation, financial motives,
operational synergy and desire for growth . However, from the
analysis of the 20 cases, diversification is constituted to
be the predominant motive of this study.
The regulatory framework governing mergers
and acquisitions in different countries affect takeover
practices in varying degrees due to the differing objectives
of the regulatory authorities . The differences in the
regulatory environment between Singapore, the US and the UK
are also highlighted in this study.
Finally, the findings of the study revealed
that most takeover cases are settled amicably between the
acquirers and the target companies. If defences were put up,
they are subtle compared to those in the US and UK; this is
largely due to the more stringent legal framework in the
local context.