Summary: | This project seeks to come up with a device that would help make certain things more efficient in Singapore primary schools and also address some recurring problems that teachers currently faces. This device is by default a electronic name tag with a number of other add-on functions. Hence, it is named 'Info-Tag'. One of the benefits of the device would be making attendance taking of students in classroom much faster using detection technology . This would save teachers time and it could be better spend on teaching instead. Problems like students being mischievous and not raising up their hands when called will also be solved. Also, recurring problems like primary school students not being able to recall their next-of-kin numbers during emergency situation will also be solved because device will be connected to a database where all the students personal information will be stored. Teachers can now extract the students' personal information via their phone (using an app) or by clicking on a buttons on the LCD screen of the Info-Tag during emergency situations. For cases whereby the class is too noisy or a particular student is sleeping in class, the teacher can choose to activate the buzzer attached to the Info-Tag. For soft spoken teachers or teachers who are less feared by the students, this helps him/her to get attention and maintain control over the class.